The Secrets That Every Internet Marketer Needs To Know...Now

As my first two posts have been negative rants I've decided to tell you the secrets to internet marketing success.  But before I begin let me add one critical caveat.  I'm not yet a successful internet marketer.   There.  I've said it.  I've had some success but not braggable success.  Not yet.

So please bear that in mind.  I'm not the expert BUT I have a sincere desire to learn and, using my lawyerly skills, can think critically and apply what I've learnt.

So why am I confident that I've discovered the secrets?  I've spent the last 2 years reading everything I could about internet marketing from the good, the bad and the oily.  And only now, in recent weeks, have I realised that the secrets have been there all along.

These "secrets" are, like most good secrets, hiding in plain view.  Are you ready for them?  

Ok, well here are a few of them.  I don't think they are the only ones and I will be returning to this topic in later posts.

You need to be passionate about your market/niche/product 

You will read that you can be an "expert" in just about any niche if you do your market research (or outsource it).  Once you've understood the language of your audience and you've ploughed their forums for the questions you can easily create a product and dominate their niche.

You might be able to make some money this way.  I don't doubt that.  But if you want to be seriously successful you need to be passionate about your market and your product.  Anyone who disagrees is ignoring business history.  All massive success in business comes from a passion.  Gates, Welch, Carnegie, Ford, Rockerfeller, Branson - all about passion and enthusiasm for their market.  Don't tell me it's different online because it's not.

Always add massive value

What this does not mean is product a lame-ass ebook and then provide fake value by throwing in every PLR product on your hard drive.  It's not big and it's not clever.  Please don't do it.

Here's an alternative.  When you write your ebook or shoot your video aim to provide really significant value to your customer.  Ask yourself "What would I really want if I were in their shoes?" Then provide it.  Then provide them with a lot more.  Believe me it's worth it.

I have been buying some great products from a guy who used to provide incredible value with his products.  His last few products are nowhere near as valuable.  Guess what?  The next product he produces I am unlikely to buy.  That's a shame because he's really clever.  But he needs to get back to adding massive value for me.  I'm not naming him just yet because he might see the error of his ways.

Think big

Don't meddle with methods that promise you petty cash.  Why waste your time  when you could be making much bigger money by providing massive value to people?  

Adsense is great but who wants to make cents when you can be making thousands of dollars with the same effort?  Not me.  I prefer to think big because, as Tim Ferriss says there is less competition with bigger goals.

There is a fantastic thread on the Warrior Forum about this topic and it tells you more about it than I ever could.  Read it here

Your procrastination hurts your customers

If you are serious about getting a quality product to a market you're passionate about you will be tempted to hold off on producting anything until you think it's perfect.  That's understandable but it's the worst thing you could do for your potential customers because they want what you have worked on and they want it NOW!  

So once you have a product that's good, not perfect, but good get it out there in some way.

A good way to get testimonials is to send your product to a few select customers.  Get their views and tweak the product to make it as good as you can.  Then get it out to the market.  NOW!

That's my first attempt at nailing down the secrets.  Add any more you can think of below in the comments section.  It's one will read them...