I have a confession to make...

I have an confession to make. It's not the biggest confession you've ever heard I'm sure. It's certainly not the most exciting, but it's mine and I'm confessing it.

Not only did I surf the internet yesterday, Christmas Day, I also went over to the Warrior's Forum and bought something! Shocked and disgusted? No? Well I was a little because I'm usually very good at keeping Christmas Day special and usually do nothing on my business. But yesterday was different.

I've been asking myself why and I think I have the answer. I'm committed to nailing this whole internet business thing and so I'm more prepared than ever to do what I have to do to get it done.

What started out, in my eyes, as a negative has become a positive. I'm pleased I did it and I'm also pleased I bought the WSO (if you don't know what that is check out Warrior Forum).

If you come back later I promise to tell you whether it was any good :)